My faithful ones shall one day see the great magnificence of My most powerful and glorious Kingdom, a gift and great reward for all My people who are called to share in this place of pure love. Teach My people to believe always in the glory of My Kingdom, and tell them what awaits those who follow and love Me. My Kingdom is a place of pure and holy love, a place where there is no sorrow, but only joy, for My people here belong to a body of holy souls who knew Me and loved Me upon the earth. 

My people here pray much for their loved ones upon the earth and the Father grants many graces with each one of their prayers, for they know only joy and all that is good. My people ask much of Me here and I grant them all that they ask, for these prayers are for the needs of My people who still struggle with temptation of sin.

The glory of My Kingdom shines fully upon those who enter, and they witness a place of such beauty and serenity that no earthly soul has witnessed nor can imagine. Those who come spend an eternity worshipping their King and giving great praise and honor to My Son. 

The music of love which comes from My heavenly Kingdom is one of such sweetness that human ears cannot hear nor understand, for it is the music of their Lord, the Almighty King of all. Pray to My souls here for they hear and will respond to your requests, for great are the gifts given to each one.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.