Purgatory does exist and is a place of cleansing for My people who come to Me before they are ready. The souls there suffer greatly and are in need of many prayers. Many of these are My lost souls who no one prayed for.

What sins one confesses are forgiven and forgotten. It is for these that I died on the cross.  Purgatory is to purify My people for all the sins that are not confessed and for which there is no sorrow.

Many people spend many years in purgatory, for their sins were never acknowledged nor confessed. Though they love Me, they lived for themselves or the pleasures of this world. My faithful ones, those who love Me above all else, spend little time in purgatory for their souls have been purified many times during their time on earth. You must pray for My souls in purgatory for they long to come to Me, but must continue to suffer for these sins of no remorse.

Some of your people are there. Can you pray for them? They await the graces of these prayers that they may soon see My Father. Their hearts ache to be with Him. No one knows the fury and heartache of purgatory. It is a place of deep spiritual growth. All who are there suffer greatly and yearn to be with the Father. Your prayers are life for them, eternal life.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.