The Artic……….such a place is cold like the hearts of some of My people. Many of My lost souls have souls that are cold and frozen, and unable to feel the warmth of the Father’s love within them. Their hearts are closed and sin prevails in their life, for without the Father’s love, they have no love to give to their brothers and sisters.
Some people have hearts as a cactus. Their needles push others away and there are those who feel their sting. These people are hardened to the world and try to love without Me. Their souls become hard and the graces cannot penetrate their hearts. They are bitter and angry and have closed their hearts to My love and all those who try to help them. Please pray for their souls, for they are lonely and no one prays for them. Their needles have forbidden people to touch them.
My people love because of the Father’s love within them. All have this love, but some of My people ignore it or cannot feel it because of the sin in their lives. These souls need many prayers, for without knowing of My Father’s love, they cannot love and may do grave harm to My people.
Only a soul who loves can receive the gifts which the Father sends. Only a soul who loves can understand and follow their path in life which will bring them the joy and peace they seek. No sin will ever bring joy, for only love can do this. All love is a gift of the Father. Because He loves, so too, can My people.
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