There is much rejoicing in heaven when a lost soul returns to Me. All the angels and saints sing songs of joy and praise! But there are many souls who will not return to Me. My Sacred Heart mourns each one, for each soul is precious to Me.
Please, please pray. I need each soul to come to Me. You must plead with My faithful ones to pray every day for My lost souls. You must speak up more and all must hear your plea. Be bold and take courage. Do not forsake this command. I will give you all you need. I will come soon for all My people….those who are ready, and those who are not.
My faithful ones, those souls who love Me above all else, will feel great joy and jubilation that their King has come. There will be many tears of joy and all these will shine with My glory within them. All the heavens will know and see the glory and power of My Father, the Almighty King of all!
Those who are not ready will cower among the trees, but it will be too late. They cannot hide from the eyes of My Father, for He sees and knows all. These souls will suffer and theirs will not be tears of joy, but of pain and sorrow. Some will be lost forever, for they have chosen their destiny. Their place of torture is eternal and the loss of graces will haunt them forever. For these souls, it will be too late.
Those who love Me, feel My joy now in this world. When I return, their joy lives on in a greater measure, far more than they can comprehend in this world. Please pray for My lost souls now before I return.
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