My Father never gives up on a child until that soul leaves the earth and is then given their final destiny for eternity. Pray always for My lost souls, for many know of Me but few come to the love within them. My people do not know that amid a world of sin and despair, My love is where they shall find their greatest joy and the peace which a restless heart always seeks. If My people only knew that My love is all they will ever need now and forever, they would come with hearts open to receive.
My lost souls live in a world of sin and great despair. There is no hope in such a world and their souls yearn for what the heart does not receive. Teach My faithful ones to reach out to a lost soul and to bring them comfort and hope through My love. When a lost soul tastes the fruits of My love, the graces flow and flood their hearts and they find all that they have been searching for.
So many of My people have hurting souls who seek the refuge of My love, but whose hearts are consumed by sin. Pray for these souls that one day they will find their true source of strength, hope, and peace for their troubled souls, for My Father wishes all His children to one day join Him in His mighty Kingdom.
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