Pencils are instruments which record words or thoughts or other things in the mind. Pencils are like My lost souls who hear many things of your world and record them in their minds.

There is much evil in your world and many evil things which penetrate the minds of My young people. They are surrounded with worldly things and pictures and words which bring thoughts into their minds that are not of the Father. My young people’s minds need to be filled with many good things, many things that will overcome the evil thoughts they hear each day, the many things they see each day. 

My faithful ones need to bring My lost souls to Me, My young ones who have succumbed to the evils which surround them. They need to reach out over and over to bring the many blessings and graces of the Father to them. My faithful ones must not falter nor wait, for the time is now before it is too late.

My faithful ones must reach out and touch these young people with things and events which bring the words of the Father to them in song, in scripture, in the written word in many forms, and in pictures, to touch the Father’s love within them. Teach My people to find these young lost souls and to bring them to Me in their search for the truth, the truth found in God Almighty, their King!

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.