My people seek My love, but they do not yet understand that I reside in them and My love for them is eternal. If My people only knew of My great love for them, they shall be at peace for all is well when one gives all to Me.

My people sometimes run from Me and their hearts are far from Mine. Even in these moments My Father holds them. If My people only knew of My Father’s great love for them, they would not run from Him, but towards Him for He is their source of comfort and peace. Tell My people to come to Me in their darkest moments of despair. Tell them to come with their burdens and troubled hearts for I am with them and within them.

Tell My people of My great love for them. My people must know that I live within each one and My love guides them. Tell them to look for Me within themselves. When they find Me, I shall be their source of strength and love. I will be all that they will need to get through their times of trial and suffering. There is no greater love than My love. My love has no bounds and is for all My people. It is in each person’s heart and soul for each is created for this love. My Father wishes all My people to understand the great power of My love, and the power that My love can give them as they seek to do My Father’s will.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.