Tell My people to come follow Me. Tell them I shall lead them down a path of graces to one day join Me in My Kingdom of love and peace. My people do not understand that I am the key to their Kingdom of My Father. My people do not understand that I can lead them, and as they follow My path they shall find all they need to come to the Father. Tell My people to come. I will lead them to where My faithful reside with great love and joy.

Tell My people that as they travel their path in your world, they must choose each moment for love. My people must choose all that is good so that each moment brings them the graces to continue down a path of love. When My people exchange their moments for one of evil or a lack of love, their heart struggles with the next moment for the loss of graces weakens their heart.

My people who choose My love each moment find a path of love before them as they continue to choose and exchange each moment. Tell My people that they must exchange each moment for a moment of love so that all whom they encounter on their paths are touched by a soul who knows My Father’s love. Tell My people that in their weakness to choose My love and they shall have all that they need.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.