Holy Love is that which comes from the Father and lives within each soul. The Father grants this love as a gift to all His children, and it is this love which brings each soul to the throne of My Father. One can promote Holy Love when giving the Father great glory for the good in their lives. 

When one seeks and uses My Divine Love, great honor is given to the Father and all shall see My glory in a faithful one who seeks always to do the Father’s will. Love is the key to all that one does for Me, and only what is done with love lives on eternally.

Teach My people to do all things with great love and in doing so, they shall touch hearts in My name, and the graces shall flow from their soul to another. Only My love endures all burdens and sorrow. Only My love gives great joy and blessings.

Tell My faithful ones to teach My lost souls the great power of love. Speak often of this love and one day My lost souls will understand and see that it is this love which brings My people to Me, their source of all peace and joy.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.