Tell My people that all the world exists for only love and that through love all things exist. My people were each created out of the love of the Father, for He alone is all love. My people would not live without love. All creatures of the earth live by the Father’s will which is only love. Therefore, My people must also learn to live by love alone, for here they exist forever in the heart of their Almighty Father.
If My people did all things with love, there would be no sin and there would be no pain or sorrow. Sin comes from a lack of love for the Father and for all people. Sin is no love. If My people truly understood the great power of love, your world would be one of only peace and only joy. All would exist in perfect harmony under the protection of the Father’s love.
Teach My people to see only love in the hearts of others and to feel only love in their own hearts. If they will ask, the Father will give love abundantly in their hearts, and they shall exist with this love in all things and in all that they do. One day all shall know of My great love for My people, for one day all shall truly understand that it was My sacrifice of love which brought them love in their own hearts, for by the mighty love of the Father were all people given the gift of salvation and love.
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