My people must come to believe that love is essential to their faith and all that they do upon the earth. Love is far more powerful than all realize. It can change hearts of stone and move others to follow a path of love. Love is the key to all that one does and to all that one says to bring others to Me. My people must come to realize that it is only through love that all My people will come to My Kingdom where there is only a pure love. 

Teach My people to love always, to see others only with love and not their differences, but only that all are united under love, the Father’s great love. Any soul consumed in sin will respond to love, and this love shown by another will awaken My love within their own heart. As one begins to understand the power of love, the Father shall increase the love within them so that they shall then reach out to others in love.

In this way, My people will unite under the great love of the Father and all the energy that it creates. This energy is so powerful that it can consume the negative energy of sin and create a world in love with My Father and all He creates. One day your world will know only love and when I return, your world shall be renewed as a world of pure and holy love. Teach My people to increase all that they do with love, and to allow the Father to bless them in this way as His servants of love.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.