Tell My people that My Son’s return is soon. They must prepare their hearts to receive their King. My people must understand that it is My love within them that will save their souls. It is this love which will bring them love, compassion, and forgiveness to their brothers and sisters. It is this love that will bring them close to the Heart of My Son, Jesus Christ.
If My people only knew the great power of love they would seek it with all of their strength. Love was the key to their salvation from My Son, and this love is the key to the opening of their heart to accept this great sacrifice, which will bring them eternal life.
Teach My people to search for this love within their own hearts, and all shall be well within their souls. This love is the key to open My door to eternity, to be received into My Kingdom, and to be escorted to the place prepared for them. I live within My people. When they discover My love, they shall find My Son who will bring them to His Most Sacred Heart.
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