My Mother is the pearl of heaven. She knows each one of her children in a special way and prays for their needs. Her heart breaks each time a soul does not choose Me, and she rejoices when a soul returns to Me. She loves her children as only a mother can, but her love is far greater as she holds each one close to her Immaculate Heart.

My people need the comfort of a mother during their times of great stress and sorrow. Teach My people to turn to My Mother, for the Father has given her many graces to give to those who come to her for comfort and a mother’s nurturing love. My Mother has great compassion for all her children and wishes to bring them the Father’s love. Through her intercession, many of My souls will feel a relief from their strife and will feel the comfort of a mother’s arms around them.

As the daughter of the Father, Mary has been given special graces that no creature on earth has been given. For all souls who come to her, she will bring to her Son and to the throne of the Father. As a mother, she can reach those souls who are in the wake of ruin and death. Teach My people to pray for her intercession in bringing souls to Me.

My Mother’s path was one of humility and obedience and in doing so, her life became a prayer for others. My Mother prays with love, and this love will always touch the heart of her Son. My Mother is a Mother of only love and through her all things are possible, for she blesses and brings all to her Son. My Mother holds the key to all that is of love, for she is only a Mother of love. Love is the key to all things.  

My people will find great comfort with My Mother, and all that they need to grow in their faith and to come to Me. Tell them that the Immaculate Conception was a miracle for them, for through My Mother was born the King of Salvation. This miracle brought love to all My people.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.