When one follows the will of the Father, their path in life continues as the Father commands. A soul’s desire to please the Father grants them the graces to stay on their path, however, when a soul leaves their path because of sin or the sin of another, the Father will pull them back to where His will places them.

When a soul prays for the Father’s will for their heart, the Father will grant them the graces and the desire to follow all that He has for them to do. Because their will and heart belong to the Father, He will correct their paths as needed to stay focused on Me and all that the Father desires of them. In this way, the Father steers His faithful ones along their path bringing them strength and the guidance needed to complete all that they are to do as His instruments and servants.

A soul must not despair over the sin in their lives which may pull them off of their path, but trust in their Almighty Father to correct their turns away from their path and return them to where they need to be. When a soul makes a wrong decision along their path, one that is not of the Father’s will, with prayers He will take care of all these decisions, and all shall be well for the Father knows a true heart and their desire to follow their path as the Father commands.

Teach My people to give all to Me and I shall take control leading them along their path, guiding them to do the Father’s will and return them to their path when sin has pulled them away. Teach My people to trust always in the goodness and great mercy of their King and all shall be well. 

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.