As one comes closer to their God, their spirit unites with Mine and the graces which flow are abundant. Never before has one accomplished all that is within their path, but many seek My will. My Father knows the heart of each soul and their desire to please Him. Although a soul is not able to fulfill completely their purpose in life, their path is unique and crucial to bringing souls to the Father. One must never become discouraged in all that is within their path, for the Father leads them as they are able according to their heart and their desire to please Him.

The Father prepares a path for each soul, but because a soul knows not perfection, it follows only as it is able with the graces of the Father. A prepared path is created for a soul but the Father knows the weaknesses of each soul. It is up to each soul to bring their weaknesses to the Father seeking His strength and courage to follow their path. When a soul asks, it shall receive many graces and all that is needed to move them along their path. From there a soul continues down this path seeking always to do the Father’s will.

When sin or others pull a soul off of its path, the Father intervenes as much as a soul’s free will allows. Many paths which have not been completed are often completed by the path of another, for My Father knows all that a soul will do. Teach My people to focus on Me so their desire is one with the Father to follow their path.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.