All is never lost with prayers. One may not understand how the Father chooses to use the graces of prayers, but it is always what is best for the souls who pray and who are prayed for.  When one prays, they must pray with an open heart and allow the Father to guide these prayers, for only My Father knows a true heart and all that is within the path of a soul. One must never believe that My Father does not hear prayers, for each word spoken from one of His children to Him is precious and He takes each word to His throne.

My Father loves His children with a great love unmatched by any and because of this great love, He will do what is best for a soul to one day bring that soul to His Kingdom, for each soul has a place reserved here. Although My people may feel despair when prayers are not answered as they desire, they must always trust in their King and know that it is love which guides the graces of each prayer, and it is love which will bring a soul to eternity with their King.

Teach My people to not pray with disbelief, but to pray with their open heart and trust in all that the Father will do with their prayers. Only My Father loves with such a powerful love that all shall be done perfectly according to His will and timing. Teach My people to pray with complete trust and faith and all shall be well.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.