The Mass is My greatest sacrifice. All who come receive many graces, far more than they realize. It is the supper of My soul and all who partake become a part of Me.

My words are jewels for all who hear and the wisdom they gain touches the very core of their souls to bring them to Me in another life. They are My words to live by, a treasure from Me to them. The Mass is the ultimate from Me to you.

My people do not understand nor comprehend the magnitude of graces which come from the Mass. It is here where My Father extends His greatest love to His people. It is here where His Son gives His Body and Blood to all who partake. Oh, if My people only knew of the graces which pour forth from the miracle at each Mass.

Teach My people to come to My table. Teach My people to come each day for all that the Father has for them at the Mass. Teach My people how My love, My powerful and all- encompassing love, comes to each soul who comes to My house, to My table and partakes of Me. When a soul comes to Me in this way, graces of strength, peace and joy will fill a soul who is open to all that the Father has for them here. Teach the people to always find Me here.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.