The souls of My people seek shelter from all that is in this world, for their souls belong to Me.  Their souls are good and holy and are only brought to ruin by sin and the wrong choices of My people. My people are born with souls that are pure, and these souls are sheltered in the bodies of My people, but their bodies are only a temporary shelter, for their true homes are here in My Kingdom. 

The choices one makes on earth will affect their souls and their final resting place. A soul dies when it is destroyed by sin and upon death, the resting place is one of fire and fury. But the one who loves Me on earth, brings many blessings to their soul and upon death, their final resting place is with Me in My Kingdom. The choices one makes on earth will affect their soul for all eternity.

But until a soul dies, one can always be saved through the prayers of My faithful ones. One must never give up in praying for a lost soul, for through prayers, there is always hope for that soul to come to Me. It is important for all My people to understand this, for when one prays for another, their prayers are never wasted, but are always lifted up to the heavens to join the prayers of all the saints and angels for that one soul. One must never give up, but be persistent in praying, for a soul of a lost one never dies until the body dies on earth.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.