Teach My people to have great faith in their prayers for any prayer said from the heart is blessed by the Father and extends many graces through these prayers. When one prays with an open heart, the Father hears each word. Teach My people to believe in all that they speak to the Father with their hearts, for the Father loves all His children with a great love, and listens to the pleas of their hearts as a father on the earth hears His children when they come to him with their needs.
Teach My people that prayers are far more powerful than My people know, and that each prayer carries much love and mercy to the soul for whom the prayers are said. One must always have great faith in all prayers spoken with their heart to the Father, and to trust and believe in all that the Father wishes for a soul, for only the Father knows a true heart and the path He has prepared for each soul. Teach My people that all is well with the Father and all shall be well when they bring their needs and desires to their heavenly Father.
Prayers are the strings which connect one heart to another. As one prays, their heart touches My Sacred Heart and together it creates a bond of love that no one can break, for such a bond was created in heaven by My Father. My people do not understand the great power of prayer. When one prays, they should seek always to do the Father’s will and in this way, prayers shall be connected to His will. No prayer can be more powerful for My people for My Father knows each heart and all that a heart needs to touch My Sacred Heart.
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