The family was created by My Father as a perfect union for harmony and love in union with Him. He has great things for families who pray together and gain graces as a unit. My Father will use these blessed families to bring many lost souls to Him, for there is great power in prayer as a family and for those who are united in God’s love. My Father grants many graces to families, for He desires all His people to be loved by a family who unites their love with the love of the Father.

A family is highly cherished by the Father, and each member of a family has a specific role in what they are to do to strengthen their family and the love which unites them. Each soul of a family is to pray for each other, for it is the prayers which makes a family strong and focused on the Father. A family which prays is greatly blessed by the Father, and He often uses them as one unit to reach and touch other souls, for such a family is an example of all that the Father desires from souls who are put together in this way.

Teach My people to pray together as a family, and allow the Father to work with them as united souls to become strong instruments for the Father in reaching His lost souls. Teach them to pray for each other and allow the Father’s love within them to make them strong, for love is the key to their unity and relationship with each other. Tell them that the Father desires this unity, for He places souls together in such a way to fulfill a purpose and to bless each other’s path upon the earth.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.