My people must be ready. They must prepare their hearts to receive their King. Tell My people to be ready at all times for they do not know when their King is coming. They must make ready their hearts to receive Him, and their souls to enter into My Kingdom.

Tell My people to watch for My return and to not delay preparing their hearts. When My people ask, I will grant them abundant graces to make ready their souls. I will grant them all that they need and more, for each heart must be ready.  Each soul must unite with Mine and all shall come to pass with joy, for when their King returns, He will take them to their home in My Kingdom. 

The Father loves all His children and wishes to prepare them for His Son’s return. Go forth and teach My people. The time is now. All must be ready.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.