When I return the heavens will open and all the angels and saints will unite with My children on earth. The fires of hell will rage and the souls there will moan to see their King. This is a time when My faithful ones will have no fear, but will rejoice in great jubilation that their Almighty King has returned. The souls who have doomed themselves by sin and rejection of the Father’s love will cower in great fear from their choice.
It is at this time that all My faithful ones will unite in glory to the heavens, and the souls of My lost ones will meet their judge and unite with the souls who mourn the loss of their Almighty Father. The world will become bright and will glow with the energy of graces. The sound of heavenly music from all My angels will fill the air and the heavenly bodies will shine as never before, for the King of all the universe, the King of all people and of all things, has returned to bring those who have chosen the Father to their home.
This will be a glorious time and one of great joy and peace for My people. The earth then will become one of calm serenity where love controls and overpowers all things. There will be no more sin or sorrow, but only one of great and heavenly peace. This will be a time where love consumes all negative energy and it will no longer exist. My people will only know joy, peace, and all the blessings of the Almighty Father. For the souls in hell, their time ends there and it is eternal. They have chosen a life away from My love and will perish among the flames of hell forever.
I love all My children and wish for them to spend eternity with Me away from the fires of hell. My love for each soul is more powerful than anyone can imagine. I gave all that I have on the cross for all people. For some souls, this was not enough and they have chosen a life of hell on earth. These souls can be saved through the love of the Father. Pray for My lost souls.
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