As the heavens are renewed, so too shall the earth be renewed the day that I return. My return is much sooner than all believe, but the day will bring great peace, joy, and freedom from sin to all My faithful ones who have waited for My return. On this day, the heavens will open and all souls shall join together in a great multitude, and I shall descend upon them in all glory, giving praise to My Father. There will be great rejoicing and My faithful ones will find comfort knowing that their King has returned.
It is then when My lost souls shall cower and hide to escape the great tribulation upon them, but no one escapes the eyes of My Father who sees all within us and around us. These lost souls will seek solace and shelter, but all will be too late for their King has already come to divide His people. My faithful ones will then follow Me to a land and kingdom reserved for them, a place of such great joy and beauty that no mortal souls can imagine, for eternity with My Father is a gift to all who have remained faithful to Him upon the earth.
My lost souls will no longer be able to accept My Father’s mercy, for at the time of My return all souls have already chosen their final destination. But until that day, all can be saved. Teach My people to reach out to My lost souls and to pray for them, for each soul is to bring others to My Kingdom.
Each path of a soul upon the earth leads to other souls who My Father places in their path. All are to reach their hearts, for each faithful one is to bring to Me My lost souls before the day of My return. Teach My people to pray for the lost souls who are before them, and My Father shall reward each soul with a place in My Kingdom.
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