Crayons……….many people try to color over their sins to make them seem less than what they are, but My Father sees and knows all. They hide these sins only from their brothers and sisters. My Father sees through all souls and sees each sin within. Someday all will see this clearly within each soul as well. Souls need to be remorseful of their sins that they may be pardoned for each one they have committed.
My people must never let sin keep them from Me. My people must never be afraid to come to their Father when they have sinned for great is His Divine Mercy when one comes with a contrite heart. Teach My people to come at once to Me when they have fallen to sin. Teach My people that I will always forgive with great love as a Father who loves His children above all else. My people must never let the shame of what they have done cause them to hesitate to come to Me. I am always waiting with great love to forgive at once when a soul comes to Me with remorse. I love all My children and will always show them mercy and love. Nothing will ever change My love for any of My people. Nothing but a soul itself will keep one from entering into My Kingdom.
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