My Father has chosen a path for each soul that He creates and each soul must allow the Father to work His will in their lives. Anything which goes against the will of the Father is wrong and not of the Father. When one prevents a soul from coming into the world, this is not of the Father, for great are His plans for each soul. One must never interfere with the mighty will of the Father, the King of all people.
Birth control is not of the Father, but what a soul chooses. When one chooses to prevent a birth, the Father must allow this choice, but must help this soul with many graces, for such a choice brings great sorrow to the Father and hurts this soul.
But as with all things, the graces of prayers will always bring hope, and many times these graces allow a soul to stop their birth control and accept all that the Father has for their path in life. Sometimes the Father will break the bonds of birth control and allow a soul to become one with child; however, graces are often needed for a soul to choose the life the Father has given them.
The Father’s plans for each soul may include the birth of another or the Father may choose for one to have no children. When one trusts in the Father’s love, then He will take care of and give all that is needed for each one. When the Father sends a baby to a couple in marriage, this child will be provided for in all ways, for the graces of prayers will take care of both this child and the parents.
When one trusts in the will of the Father, all shall be well and the Father extends many graces and blessings upon them. When one goes against the love of the Father, they must seek forgiveness and mercy for their soul to enter one day into My Father’s Kingdom. Teach My people to respect all life and to never attempt to put an end to what the Father has planned for His people, for His plans are perfect and full of love.
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