Often My people hold back the gifts My Father has given. They keep them tightly to themselves. When the Father grants gifts to His people, they are meant to be shared with others who the Father has placed in their paths with their needs.

So, too, when the Father grants talents to His people, these are also to be shared, for all talents are meant to help bring God’s people to the Father. When one holds tightly to their possessions, their heart is closed to love, and their desire for more increases until their focus in life becomes one of gaining more possessions or power.

Teach My people that when the Father gives gifts and talents, they are always meant to be shared. Sharing opens a heart to love and as they give many graces come to them, and often they receive more than they gave.

My Father always repays and as more is shared, more blessings are given. Teach My people to be generous with all that the Father has given them. Teach My people to give out of the Father’s love within their heart and much shall be given to them.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.