My people love Me, but your world holds many temptations from the sin which lurks for all to see. Such things tempt the heart to sin and this brings great sorrow to their souls, for their souls seek only that which is good. The evils of your world tempt the senses of My people and these are what confuse their mind. They often believe and come to understand that these things bring them joy, but their joy is only temporary. It is only the gifts of the Father which truly enlightens the heart and brings joy to the soul.

These things in your world which tempt the senses allow My people to see not with the eyes of the Father, but with the desires of their own heart. Your world has become one of great despair and My people often feel that there is no hope. But when My people come to Me, they shall always find hope, for I am always their strength to conquer their temptations and the sorrow that fills their lives. Tell My people that I am here within them, and that one day I will unite them all under the loving eyes of My Father.

If My people only knew what power and strength they had in Me, they would always come for hope and peace of heart for all that troubles them. Tell My people to come, for I await them with open arms to bring them comfort for their hearts of despair, and strength for their will to always choose Me and My Father’s great love. Upon the earth one is tempted always, but always My graces are before them guiding all that they do, for when one opens their heart to these graces, their will unites to Mine and the Father leads them according to His will.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.