I know your heart and all the things that burden you. As you come to Me with your weaknesses, I grant you graces and hold you. I love to be able to bring you peace and love the trust that you bring to Me.
It is your weaknesses that I use to help you grow closer to Me. Your weaknesses make you strong for through these, your faith grows as you turn to Me. The graces that I give you for these, make you strong in other things as well. Through Me, your weaknesses will allow you to reach others in their weaknesses. Do not despair, but come to Me with all things in your heart.
My people do not always recognize their weaknesses, but if they will ask, the Father will grant them the wisdom to see inside of their soul. He will show them in many ways all these things which trouble their soul and pull them away from the Father. If a soul will ask, My Father will also grant them many graces of strength to overcome these weaknesses.
My Father is pleased when one seeks to find these things which weaken their faith and their love for the Father. Knowing these things make them stronger for the knowledge is their strength, and their desire to overcome them allows the Father to give them the graces they need. Teach My people to bring their desire to know of one’s faults and weaknesses to the Father so that He may grant them all that they need to replace them with the strength of the Father’s love within them.
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