Pain is the result of sin. Suffering comes from Me. All must suffer who come to Me. Suffering is necessary to cleanse the soul and to unite a soul to Me, for all must be pure to enter into My Kingdom where there is no sin. Pain comes from a loss of graces and these graces can be replaced by the graces of suffering, for all who suffer in My name become a part of My Sacred Heart. Sin causes pain brought on by oneself or by the sin of another.

There is a difference between pain and suffering. Suffering brings a soul closer to Me; pain pulls a soul away from Me. Do not be afraid to suffer, for in suffering, I am close to you and comfort you in your heart. I will grant graces to overcome sin through suffering. Those who love Me, suffer for Me. Suffering which is offered up and united to My passion is very powerful and many, many graces are given for this sacrifice.

There are many who must suffer in this world, for there is much pain from sin. Pray that all who suffer, suffer for Me and for the redemption of their souls. Innocent souls, who suffer the pain of another’s sin, are brought immediately to Me and comforted, for they suffer for others. My Father has great compassion for them and brings their souls to His Most Sacred Heart. These are My precious souls who have high places in heaven near My Father.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.