My people are born in the image of Me, but they are not perfect and each has been given a cross to bear upon the earth. My Father has given these crosses and chosen each one for His children, for with each cross He teaches a soul and trains them along their path. Each cross should be accepted in the name of the Father with much love.
With each cross come the responsibility of a soul to accept and give this cross lovingly back to the Father, for He will be their source of strength, guidance, and comfort. As each soul offers their cross to the Father, many graces are given and these graces may also be given for another as all suffering.
One’s crosses are those things which they struggle with in their body, mind, or spirit. These crosses are given by the Father, and are not the struggles which one brings upon themselves through the consequences of sin.
My Father does not give one a cross to suffer needlessly, but as a gift to be accepted and to unite their cross to that of His Son, who suffered the cross of His life for others. A cross is one’s source of many graces, and to obtain more gifts from the Father of virtues, talents, and experiences that will train them for all that He has for that soul to do along their path of life. One must not reject their cross, but use it bring themselves and others to the Father.
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