My truth must be shown to all My people that all might believe in their Almighty Savior, the One who is to come and rescue them from the pitfalls of sin. Tell My people that I am their truth and that all who follow Me will have eternal life with My Father. 

Tell My people to come to Me and all truth will be given to them. The darkness will be brought into an eternal light, and all shall see that which is false, that which is not of the Father, and that which will bring them only sorrow.

I am the truth and those who follow Me will walk in the light. Those who keep My word and believe in the wisdom of the Father will live forever in the Father and the Father in them. Those who follow My command will be led out of the darkness into the light of love where they will live eternally upon earth and in heaven within the heart of the Father. Tell My people that the Father rules by love as their Almighty and Powerful King. All who believe shall live forever.

Copyright © 2025 Marsha Luke – Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted: May be copied in its entirety, but neither retyped nor edited.