My people must give all to Me from their hearts, for great then shall be their joy. When one gives all to Me, they are free from the things of your world which distract them and hold their heart.
One is then free to hear Me with an open heart and mind. I will replace all they give to Me with things greater from My Father. He will fill their hearts with great love, a joy not of your world, and peace that can come only from the Father. It is then that their soul can live fully in the Father’s love, and their path in life will become clear on all that they should do.
There are many things in your world that attract My people and increase their desire for more. They become consumed with material things and their desire to accumulate more until their lives focus on these things, and not those of My Father. Teach My people that these material things are only temporary, but the things My Father gives are everlasting.
Teach My people to ask for the graces to release their hearts for the desire for material things. Teach them to ask the Father to replace this desire for one far greater, for all that is good which the Father gives for their hearts and their souls. Only then will My people become one with the will of the Father, and great shall be their reward in heaven.
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